1741 Finance AG and its affiliates (hence referred to as "1741 Finance AG," "," "we," or "our") are dedicated to maintaining and preserving your privacy. This Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use set forth how we will gather, handle, and use your Personal Information. We define "Personal Information" as data that can be used to personally identify you, such as your name, address, email address, or trades.
2.Who is
The largest Dual Gateway Exchange Platform registered with the FCA and completely governed by AML/CTF standards and authorized for trading, sending, receiving, and buying different types digital crypto assets.
3.The types of Personal Information which we collect may include:
We will only use your personal information for the specific service(s) you have requested from us and to comply with any legal regulations that apply to the provision of those service(s).
4.IP Addresses
For system maintenance and to provide aggregate data to our advertisers, we may gather information about your computer, such as your IP address, operating system, and browser type, if accessible. This information is statistical data about the surfing habits and behaviors of our users, and it will not be connected to a specific person unless that person is the same.
We employ the use of "cookies" - a browser feature that assigns a unique identification to your device. These cookies are stored on your computer's hard drive and allow us to evaluate the performance of our website, track usage patterns, and manage the platform. The information collected from cookies allows us to understand which areas of the site are most popular and any issues visitors may encounter while navigating the platform. This enables us to enhance the overall user experience by delivering more of the features and information that users desire and resolving any accessibility challenges. Additionally, we may use web bugs or clear gifs, which are typically stored in emails, to confirm receipt and responses to our communications and provide a more personalized experience on the site. We work with third-party service providers to gain a deeper understanding of our website's usage. These providers may place cookies on your device and collect information to provide us with aggregate reports on how users interact with the site, including which products are viewed and overall transaction details. This information helps us to better understand our visitors' interests and improve our ability to serve them. It is possible that this information may be linked and combined with any data we collect during your use of the platform. Our service providers are contractually prohibited from utilizing this data for any purposes other than assisting us. By accessing our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described above. Our company maintains records of all Personal Information transfers to third-parties, which can be made available to you upon request.
6.Disclosure of Personal Information
We use your personal information for the purposes stated at the time you provide it to us, as well as for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and as allowed by law. We may share your personal information with our affiliates, agents, representatives, trusted service providers, and contractors for these specific purposes with your explicit consent or for the provision of services you have requested. In the event of a merger, divestiture, or other corporate reorganization, we may share your information with financial institutions, insurance companies, or other companies and notify you of this sharing, so you can exercise any rights you may have. We may also be required to share your information with law enforcement or regulatory agencies as mandated by law, and in such cases, we may not be able to inform you due to legal restrictions. Any third party that receives or has access to your personal information will be required to protect it and use it only for the services they are providing for you or for unless otherwise required or permitted by law. These third parties, except for regulatory authorities, will be contractually bound to adhere to the same security and confidentiality policies as and assume the same responsibilities as Your rights with will be enforced with any third parties that have access to your personal information. We will ensure that any third party is aware of our obligations under this Privacy Policy and we will enter into agreements with these parties that require them to comply with terms no less protective of your personal information than those in this Privacy Policy or those required by data protection laws.
7.Your rights
You have the right to access, review, and update your Personal Information by sending an email to the address listed on our website or by editing your account profile if applicable. Upon receipt of your written request, we will provide you with information on the Personal Information we have collected and retained, as well as the use and disclosure of your data. We may charge a minimal fee to cover administrative costs for providing additional copies of your Personal Information. You also have the right to request the deletion or destruction of both your account and Personal Information by sending an email to the aforementioned address. will process your request promptly, except where it conflicts with legal or regulatory obligations. Additionally, you may request for your Personal Information to be transferred to another controller of your choice. To ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information, we may ask you to provide identification documentation and/or other methods to confirm your identity before assisting you in exercising your rights. If you refuse to do so, we may decline to take action on your data, except for restricting processing, until we can verify that the request is truly from you. To minimize the risks of fraud, money laundering, and abuse of our services, we may utilize automated processing and profiling during our service delivery. This may involve analyzing your identification, transactional, and behavioral patterns. However, you have the right to opt-out of this automated processing if you wish to, and if you have any concerns about this processing you can contact us to receive more information. Please note, that in case if you refuse or not able to provide your personal ID documents, you have the right to stay anonymous, but in this case you will be required to obtain a "privacy-anonymous" feature which have a standard and fixed rate of 0.2 BTC to be paid from your external wallet.
We have implemented strict technical and organizational measures to protect the confidentiality of your personal information and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. Only authorized personnel of have access to your personal information, and they are bound by strict confidentiality agreements. When we need to share your personal information with third parties for the provision of requested services or to comply with legal or regulatory requirements, we will make sure that they also implement similar technical and organizational security measures through contractual agreements when possible. We regularly review and update our security measures in response to legal and technological developments. In the event of a data breach or failure of these protective measures, we will promptly notify you.
Our website may contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties. This Privacy Policy applies solely to our website. Accessing these third-party sites or resources requires you to leave our website. We do not have control over these third-party sites or any of the content they contain, and by accessing them you agree that we are not responsible or liable for any of these third-party sites, including but not limited to their content, policies, failures, promotions, products, services, actions, or any damages, losses, failures, or problems caused by, related to, or arising from these sites. We advise you to review the policies, rules, terms, and regulations, including privacy policies, of each site you visit.
10.Retention of Personal Information
Your information is securely stored on our servers, and access to it is granted to employees of who may be located both inside and outside of the European Union. All our employees abide by data security principles and processes equivalent to those within the European Union. We will retain your personal information only for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and to comply with any legal and regulatory requirements. In accordance with laws and regulations related to anti-money laundering, taxes, and company requirements, we will retain account and personal information for at least 10 years after a user closes their account with us. Data that is only kept for regulatory purposes will be protected from unnecessary handling and will only be used to provide information or access to authorized parties.
11.Disposal of Personal Information
When we no longer have any obligation to provide you with a service you requested or to retain your personal information for regulatory or legal reasons, we will either anonymize or properly dispose of your personal information in accordance with acceptable industry and security standards, so that it can not be retrieved and linked to you. In cases where direct removal of such records is not possible, such as in archived backups, we will maintain a record of which personal information should be removed if the backup data is ever restored.
On registration or after registration, we will ask for your consent by giving you the option to select marketing preferences checkboxes on your account profile page to allow us to contact you or use your personal information for marketing purposes. You have the right to withdraw your consent for us to use your personal information for marketing purposes. You can exercise this right by unchecking the marketing preferences checkboxes on your account profile or by reaching out to us through email at any time.
13.Our Data Protection Officer
Our Data Protection Officer is the person in charge of ensuring our company adheres to this privacy policy. This person is also the main contact for our Data Protection Supervisory Authority. The Data Protection Officer may be contacted on separate e-mail via [email protected]
14.Data Protection Supervisory Authority
You may contact an appropriate Data Protection Supervisory Authority if you wish to discuss or file a complaint about any instance in which you believe we are not adhering to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
At the sole and absolute discretion of, our Site policies, content, information, promotions, disclosures, disclaimers, and features may be revised, modified, updated, and/or supplemented at any time and without prior notice. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will notify all users via a notice on our Site, and the amended Privacy Policy will be posted on the Site. If we believe that any such changes may affect your rights, we will ask you to confirm your consideration and acceptance before continuing our relationship with you.
16.Fraud, Phishing and Email scams disclaimer
Please be advised that has no affiliation with entities that pose as customer support agents and offer customer support services over the phone and/or social media in exchange for money. Remember that customer service is only available through the website and is always free of charge.
17.Contact Us
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns not specifically regarding our Privacy Policy and/or practices as it or they relate to the Platform, please contact us at our email address [email protected]
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